OJOP General Publication Principles:
Journals indexed in OJOP accept the following general publication principles:
- The rule of law principle in all processes of broadcasting,
- General Ethical Rules, COPE Ethical Principles in journal publication processes,
- Universal Law Rules,
- Transparent and accountable publishing principles,
- Universal Press Professional Principles,
- They accept the principle of aiming to create a user-friendly interface in their Journals or Books.
OJOP Indexing Criteria:
Journals indexed in OJOP accept the following criterias:
- Peer Rewieved editorial process,
- Each article must have at least two peer-reviews.
- Journal should have an open access policy,
- Articles in the journal must comply with research and publication ethics.
- It must be visible to readers and authors for whom the journal has chosen one of the Creative Commons Licenses.
- In the articles, the contribution levels of the authors should be shown and whether there is a conflict of interest with each other and with third parties.
- Articles should have the format requirements and standards required for scientific articles. [(Abstract, keywords, (if the journal is international) English abstract and keywords, figures, list of tables, reference list (APA, MLA, AIP, NLM, AMA, ACS)]
- If the review committee requests additional documents for a journal, the journal authority must submit these documents.
- While the journal year/volume is being published, the period and month of publication should not be changed, the changes should be decided before the year/volume begins and announced beforehand.
- When it is decided to change the journal name, a new ISSN must be obtained for the new journal name.
- Article pages in the journal should be restarted every year, page integrity should be consecutive for a volume.
- To submission the index, at least one issue must be published, and to be admission, at least two issues must be published.
- A journal that is rejected once by the committee cannot reapply in at least three months, or the committee’s reasons for missing items, again by the journal management, should be sent as a list of the necessary changes.