Our 2024-2025 webinar schedule has been announced.
- 13/12/2024 | Publication of a Correction and Blacklist Applications
- 19-24/09/2023 Â &Â Â OJOP & Icam Network / Scientific Publication Training
- 18/08/2022 / Scientific Journal Indexes Ethics and Accreditation Training Seminar | Dr. Ahmet FÄ°DAN
- 06/02/2022 | Publication Fee and Predatory Journals Declaration
- 30/01/2022 | Principles of Fee Publishing in Scientific Journals
- 28/01/2022 | Editorial Training for Bayburt University / Journal of Business Economics and Management Research
- 29/03/2021 | Scientific Journal Indexes Ethics and Accreditation Training Seminar | Dr. Ahmet FÄ°DAN
- 30/01/2021 | TURCESS-OJOP Scientific Journal Index and Directory Webinar
- 11/09/2020 | OJOP Indexing – Zoom Meeting / Section Editors Process – Referee Process